Bruder Alfons Brümmer

photo gallery of Jean-Pierre Vibert's roses · Jean-Pierre Vibert
Bruder Alfons Brümmer

Hybrid Longicuspis
Hybridized by Jean-Pierre Vibert 2001

This rose has clusters of double white, nodding flowers with a light perfume. Buds are a pale yellow opening to white, which can give the impression that the shrub is either yellow or white. Growth is vigorous to 10 or 13 feet. Wood is green. Flowers are smaller than those found on Les fleurs sont ¬İplus petites que celles de 'Mme Jocelyne Yvon de Pruille'. Not remontant.

Dedicated to the well-known German hybridizer of Multifloras. Bruder Alfons Brümmer, an Augustinian monk, loved roses and was involved with the German Rose Society, writing a number of articles in the Rosen Zeitung in the 1920s and 1930s.