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class: Alba Rose
synonyms: Celestial
breeding: before 1500
photographed by Daphne Filiberti in her garden
Graham Thomas has commented on the purity of color of 'Céleste', also known as 'Celestial'.
'Céleste' has clear pink blooms, that are beautiful at all stages of opening. The buds scroll open with a delicacy and refinement. Gertrude Jekyll noted that 'Céleste' has a "wonderful beauty when the bud is half opened". When fully opened the pure pink petals reveal a circlet of yellow stamens at the center. Peter Beales has said that
'Céleste' has a perfume with an exceptional refinement. The color of the foliage is a perfect complement for the splendorous roses. Gertrude Jekyll commented: "The blue
colouring (of Alba foliage) is accentuated in 'Céleste', and is a charming accompaniment to the rosy tinting of the heart of the open flower." Redouté painted the rose under the name Rosa Damascena aurora. Thory, the botanist who wrote the text for Les Roses classified 'Céleste' as a Damask because the rose's
receptacle, a botanical part, is like that of Rosa damascena. To see the anatomy of a rose link here. Ellen Willmott wrote that Redouté dedicated the rose to his best pupil, Mademoiselle Aurore Poniatowski. 'Céleste' has been planted in my garden for over five years.
The rose can tolerate some shade and has good health. My rose has reached about four feet by about three feet.
©2000-2005 Daphne Filiberti www.RoseGathering.com